"winning is a matter of endurance. As long as you don't quit, you'll win!"

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Welcome to My Journey, I am Eunece V. Franklin, and this is "A Day in the Life of." I started my journey by "blogging" about my MBA pursuit (with an emphasis in Marketing). However, I have achieved that goal, and now invite you to follow me on my career journey. I am quite excited about the various opportunities that exist, and I would like to thank my parents, siblings, and friends, for their unwavering support. I invite you to follow me on this adventure as I continue to nourish my intellectual curiosity and open the doors for you to sneak a peek in, "A Day in the Life."

Eunece V. Franklin, CEO& Principal...

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC
"You Decide, WE Inspire, Connect, and Deliver!"

Monday, November 12, 2012

Elections have Consequences

It is the economy...STUPID! The economy will grow at 4-5% when people are working; let's get this country working. Moreover, if the Democratic Party allows the Republican Party to continue to obstruct, and cause chaos and mass confusion the next four years, I think the American people will give up on both parties, and we will see a third party resurrect. As such, first things first: "ALLOW THE BUSH TAX CUTS TO EXPIRE!" The extension of the Bush tax cuts are costing the country billions of dollars, and Americans do not want to witness "A modern day 'Greece' in the United States. Wise Up...elected officials!"

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