"winning is a matter of endurance. As long as you don't quit, you'll win!"

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Welcome to My Journey, I am Eunece V. Franklin, and this is "A Day in the Life of." I started my journey by "blogging" about my MBA pursuit (with an emphasis in Marketing). However, I have achieved that goal, and now invite you to follow me on my career journey. I am quite excited about the various opportunities that exist, and I would like to thank my parents, siblings, and friends, for their unwavering support. I invite you to follow me on this adventure as I continue to nourish my intellectual curiosity and open the doors for you to sneak a peek in, "A Day in the Life."

Eunece V. Franklin, CEO& Principal...

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC
"You Decide, WE Inspire, Connect, and Deliver!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gun Control, Poverty, & Mental Illness...

Mayor Bloomberg is absolutely correct, "It is time to have a national debate on "gun control" in the country." However, can we also add poverty and mental illness to the national debate too? I know, politicians do not like talking about poverty and mental illness because the two social issues are not "sexy." Nevertheless, gun control, poverty, and mental illness can be seen as directly linked (particularly in an aging society). Further, these are issues that each, and every American can find common ground because the number one issue on every American's mind is safety!

Check out the following link that reveal "shocking" statistics about mental illness.

I'm just saying...

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