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Welcome to My Journey, I am Eunece V. Franklin, and this is "A Day in the Life of." I started my journey by "blogging" about my MBA pursuit (with an emphasis in Marketing). However, I have achieved that goal, and now invite you to follow me on my career journey. I am quite excited about the various opportunities that exist, and I would like to thank my parents, siblings, and friends, for their unwavering support. I invite you to follow me on this adventure as I continue to nourish my intellectual curiosity and open the doors for you to sneak a peek in, "A Day in the Life."

Eunece V. Franklin, CEO& Principal...

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC
"You Decide, WE Inspire, Connect, and Deliver!"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grammy's Pay Tribute to the Diva, Whitney Houston.

Just a follow-up as to how much Whitney Houston, "The Voice" is missing from the Grammy's! As an avid music lover, I noticed a flatness, lack of voice control, and a poor pitch-sound in some of the songstresses as I watched the Grammy's in its entirety, which is something that I have not done in years. Not because I am not a fan of music, quite the opposite. I think I just felt so insulted over the years to see all the "manufactured' artist with gimmicks, no real talent, and hip hop artists making fools of themselves, and disrespecting women. Nevertheless, one thing about Whitney Houston is that her talent will never be refuted, and in her hay day her range, voice control, and musical swagger was magical! Moreover, watching Jennifer Hudson perform in Whitney's honor was terrific. Unlike watching Christina Aguilera (over perform) at Etta James memorial service a couple of weeks ago, it was refreshing to see Jennifer Hudson "not try" to over do Whitney's signature song, "I Will Always Love." Thanks Jennifer. Job well done!

Last, I am so happy to hear that Whitney's funeral will be in her home town of Newark, New Jersey, among her friends, family, and church. 

Rest in peace "Whitney Elizabeth Houston" (1963-2012).
Sony Music, hikes the price of Whitney's songs on iTunes. Oh, oh, here comes the parasites. :)

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