President, now that the dysfunctional Washington Lawmaker's have had their day
in the Sun, it is time for the Commander In Chief to take the reins. In my
humble opinion, we need a BIG Deal! We need a Global Initiative where pioneer's
of the World (G8/G20) come together to brainstorm, and see us out of this global
crisis. Conversely, this crisis is perfect for President
Obama to maximize his global partnerships. Case in point, the
President campaigned on HOPE, CHANGE, & PROMISE, while the whole world
watched with glee. That said, yes Mr. President, "we (mainstream America) got your back"
because we are in this mess together. I challenge Americans to show support by
offering fresh ideas as to how to improve the economy, and get people back
working. In doing so, this grass roots effort enables patriotic Americans the ability to get involved, show solidarity,
and offer innovative ideas to the White House. If the elected officials want to obstruct, then the power of the people will prevail. Call me naive,
but we cannot afford too many more piss poor market days like 8/4/01, where stocks dropped 4%!
Therefore, I want to look at this situation as a case study. In fact, as one of
my Professor's would say, "Initiate the 5P's (Prepare to Prevent a Piss
Poor Plan) when employing a strategy." Gee, just when I thought I was out
of graduate school. (lol)
Check out this article on New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, a true American leader offering 21st Century solutions! Wow, what a concept. :)
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