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Welcome to My Journey, I am Eunece V. Franklin, and this is "A Day in the Life of." I started my journey by "blogging" about my MBA pursuit (with an emphasis in Marketing). However, I have achieved that goal, and now invite you to follow me on my career journey. I am quite excited about the various opportunities that exist, and I would like to thank my parents, siblings, and friends, for their unwavering support. I invite you to follow me on this adventure as I continue to nourish my intellectual curiosity and open the doors for you to sneak a peek in, "A Day in the Life."

Eunece V. Franklin, CEO& Principal...

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC

Connect-A-Preneur, LLC
"You Decide, WE Inspire, Connect, and Deliver!"

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Elections have Consequences...Conspiracy or Fact.

Or Oligarchy?
Much of the stupidity, diversion, and theater playing out in the United States Congress is borderline TREASON, led by Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform), Karl Rove (Grassroots), South Carolina, Congressman Jim De Mint, former Congressman, Dick Armey (FreedomWorks), and a bevy of other wealthy contributors. A powerful, heavily armed, bible toting, anti-government, well-funded organizations, to be sure, consisting of a group of far right, radical extremists, most of which who have never held office, and quite possibly failed Civics in high school. In doing so, the irresponsible, reckless, incompetent behavior of the freshmen “Tea Baggers” should be no surprise to the American people. In fact, their purpose in life consists of five goals, 1. Divide and conquer, 2. Scare tactics, 3. Choke hold the economic growth in the United States and advance discussions on succession, 4. Turn the clock back on programs, and civil rights passed down by President Roosevelt, JFK, and Clinton, 5. Take down the Negro President! If conspiracy, this destructive, behavior has been in progress for some time and I suggest that Attorney General Holder and the Administration look into these treasonous acts. I ask the question “Is the United States headed down the path of another civil war. Conversely, we are witnessing the emergence of a third party, born out of the Republican Party. Is this a combination of Nixon, Reagan, and Dixiecrat ideology? As such, is this new party the new Dixiecan’s? Last, do the American people want a democracy or oligarchy?”

Check out this article from a year ago. I think it sheds a tremendous amount of light as to the chess game-taking place in today's political arena...

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